Osteoporosis is a common and serious condition considering bone health determines the overall health of an individual. A person with healthy bones feels more energetic throughout the day. A healthy diet full of good quality protein, calcium and vitamin D helps to develop healthy bones and prevents osteoporosis, a significant public health issue. Under normal bone metabolism, a bone keeps on breaking and rebuilding. But if this metabolism gets disturbed, bones become weaker and fragile. This can happen due to the lack of proper nutrition, old age, menopause or certain medications. However, you can manage it with certain foods for bone that Can help make them stronger and healthier. On World Osteoporosis Day, let’s find out about them.
Research has always shown a positive association of calcium intake and bone mass and a low calcium diet leading to higher fracture rates. Dairy products are the best sources of calcium such as yoghurt, curd, milk, cheese etc and other sources include green leafy vegetables (amaranth, spinach, drumstick leaves, chinese cabbage, broccoli etc), soy products or fish.
This sunshine vitamin is needed for calcium absorption, whose main source is sunlight. The dietary sources of this vitamin are egg yolk, fatty fish (salmon, trout, mackerel and tuna), cheese, organ meats as well as fortified foods such as milk, orange juice, margarine and cereals. So, add these foods to your diet for healthy bones.
Research has shown the correlation between low protein intake and higher rates of fractures. Protein adds to the bone mineral density. Having nuts and seeds, dairy products, pulses and legumes, meat, fish, eggs and soy products aid in adding good quality protein to the diet. But always keep in mind to not overdo protein intake as excess of protein also leads to calcium excretion in the urine.
According to research, higher intake of fruits and vegetables causes high bone mass due to the micronutrients present in them such as Vitamin C, Vitamin K, Magnesium, Potassium and carotenoids. They also lower the chances of fractures.
Excess of salt in the diet causes the calcium excretion from kidneys (calciuria). So have low table salt and packaged foods. Still, it needs more extensive research.
The body’s absorption of calcium and Vitamin D, the two key nutrients for bone health, gets affected by the alcohol consumption. The male hormone testosterone and the female hormone estrogen get reduced by alcohol intake and leads to osteoporosis.
Phytate present in beans, legumes, whole wheat and oxalates present in spinach,beans, soy products and beets interfere with the body’s ability to absorb calcium. Oxalate and phytate bind with calcium in the body and excrete it out. So, the best technique to avoid this is to soak such foods in water for several hours and then cook them in freshwater.
Also, read: Worried about your bone health? Then eliminate these 5 foods from your diet right away
Colas and coffee have detrimental effects on kidney health by causing calciuria. In fact, they are known for reduced bone mass and increased fracture risk in some cases.
So, eat healthy for better bone health!
Garima Goyal is a well known Dietitian
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