The North Shore Health Network Foundation is extremely grateful for donation from Cameco and its employees.
Last fall, the NSHN Foundation was chosen as the recipient for the Cameco Giving program for 2022, to raise funds for a bone mineral densitometer.
Cameco employees pledged $23,883.70, and Cameco Corporation matched their pledges this year, for a total of $47,767.40.
This piece of equipment will make an impact on many patients. A bone mineral densitometer (BMD) is a piece of digital imaging equipment that helps assess bone health and fracture risk. The two areas that are the focus of the BMD, are the lumbar spine, and the left hip. These are weight bearing bones and can determine if someone has osteoporosis or osteopenia, and helps physicians determine if treatment is required. The BMD is for patients who are postmenopausal; over 50 years of age; experienced a loss of height; been on steroid medications long term; had a transplant; and those who had a fracture over the age of 50. The medical imaging staff at NSHN have averaged at least one patient per day for the BMD since they began on March 14, 2022.
NSHN medical imaging staff have been offering this service Monday through Friday to accommodate patient’s schedules. “It has been a great addition to our department” says Kim Rousselle. The BMD is be located at the Blind River site and will serve all three hospitals within the North Shore Health Network, which includes Thessalon, and Richards Landing-Matthews area. Providing a local BMD helps keep health care within reach by shortening wait times for our patients, keeping our patients closer to family and friends, as well as decrease travel time and expenses.
Thank you, Cameco, and Cameco employees.
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